Saturday, 15 March 2014

Welcome to My Blog! | Erinhunter117

Hey Everyone,
Welcome to my blog!
If your reading this you probably most likely found me from Instagram.
If not go follow my themed account @erinhunter117 and my backup @erinhunter117pics

Why I wanted to start a blog 
For a long time now I have wanted to start a Blog or a YouTube channel that I can be consistent with uploading on. I have decided to begin this blog because I wanted a hobby to do in my spare time but I also think that a blog would be a really cool way to communicate with other people and it looked like a bunch of fun. I love writing and photography and the two ideas mixed together with beauty and fashion. Maybe in the future I will feel confident enough to set up a beauty themed YouTube channel, however for now I am happy with starting a blog.

Blog Ideas
So far I have had the following ideas for my blog but if you have any suggestions please let me know on Instagram or in the comments below:
- Reviews
- OOTD's
- Fashion Hauls
- Makeup Hauls
- Monthly Favorites
- Weekly Updates on my life ( If anyone is interested!)
- Collabs with other Bloggers (For example, tags like 'the common white girl tag' )
- Skincare Routine
- Makeup Collection
- Hair care routine
- Hair tutorials

Uploading Schedule 
I am not going to have an uploading schedule as I will upload when I want to and when I have something to post about. Also I would like to take the time and effort to make my posts as good as I can and I feel that if I had to continuously upload every Wednesday it would become a chore and not a hobby. My overall aim when uploading is to have a post up once a week or maybe every two weeks, I am going to see how it goes and whether people enjoy the content I am uploading or not.

★ I just want everyone to note that by making this blog I am not trying to brag in any way shape or form when I show items, if it offends you then don't read my blog.
★ I also want to say that I do not wear makeup to school unless I am having a really bad skin day or I feel like making an effort and if I am going somewhere after school - this is purely because I am one of the laziest people you will ever meet! I just wanted to say that in case people began to think I wore a lot of makeup on a daily basis. If I do wear it to school it will be natural whereas on the weekend I tend to go for bolder eye looks.

I will leave you with this picture which I found on Google Images, "Big things often have small beginnings", I hope this will come true.